A question was asked at Human Art this week that gets asked quite frequently: “What is the benefit of knowing all aspects of my design? Why can’t I pay attention to my predominant design only?”
The answer is not a simple straightforward one, it is one that, in my experience, elicits a great discussion. But we will give you a simple answer today.
You always have the right, in your autonomy or independence, to focus on your predominant design—the one that you are the strongest in. In fact, we have had clients over the years that have done just that, and at the time it worked for them. In that place and time that was exactly what they needed. However, they did come back later to explore more of the influences of the lesser (but just as important) designs and found that their influence on the predominant design was way more important and impactful than they were acknowledging or taking advantage of.

The second option would be to immediately embrace all four of the designs and pay attention to the order and amount of them you have. The higher they are in your personality, the more they will influence your first, or predominant, design. For example, we have been working with a client whose design is Saturated first. It is so strong that more than half of her equation as a whole is Saturated. She is equally Blackened and Grayed next and then there is a small amount of Whitened at the end. She finds herself looking for clear answers and then moves to focus on that clarity in her work to become more successful in her respected career. That was once enough for her, but after she came to Human Art she learned that her Blackened and Grayed is the part that actually allows her to dig in to tasks once she prioritizes them and then she is meticulous with combing through what she might have missed at the end. She learned that her small amount of Whitened is the spontaneous part of her personality that wants to play or celebrate once a project finds its way to a successful and quality outcome. She expressed that she was just focusing on her Saturated abilities before consulting with us and she had ignored her instinct to use the strengths of her other three design influences. She left excited to move forward with all parts of her design and put into place her own system to success through her design.
The point of all of this is to answer that first question, “What is the benefit of knowing all aspects of my design?” At Human Art we give you the order and amounts of your design. If we have not done your profile*, you can still instinctively navigate your design. The important thing is, on is on your journey to find success I believe that using all aspects of your design to meet goals and challenges will launch you to higher amounts of success than just using your predominant one, which is just a portion of your whole design.
I believe you are worth it, and remember, everyone is a masterpiece.
*Click here to learn more about getting your personality profile