Month: January 2020

Feeling Blue? But Which Shade of Blue?

After the last blog post about using the color blue, we had a lot of questions come in about which blue a person should pick for themselves. “Do I pick a Saturated, Whitened, Grayed or Blackened blue if I’m going to surround myself with blue this season?”

In answer to that, here are two questions to ask yourself when you are picking any color.

  • Are you drawn to it?
  • Does it make you feel inspired when you put it close to you?
Human Art Color Wheels

Are you drawn to it?  If it were in a store, is it one of the first colors you see when you walk in, before you start to consider other options? Because we crave color, the color we are craving will grab our attention first and it will leave an impression. Pay attention to the impressions in our mind (or out loud) that pop up when we first see that particular color. That is good information.

Does it make you feel inspired when you put it close to you? We’ve talked about how sometimes we are drawn to our opposite; the same applies in color. Sometimes we are drawn to a color because it is our opposite. If that color were a person, we would want to take it to dinner and have a great conversation with it. That’s why you try it on. If it is a piece of wardrobe, like a shirt, it will feel frumpy on us if it is not our design. If it is something we want around us the feeling won’t be quite as dramatic, but will still have the same effect, so again just pay attention to the impressions it leaves when you put it close; that will tell you a lot.

Remember that we have all four of the designs in us, so we will want a little of all of them at one time or another, so pay attention to what is truly inspiring us in that moment.

Also remember that everyone is a masterpiece!



Jan. 14, 2020 – Are You Feeling Blue?


Are You Feeling Blue?

One of the top trend colors this season is BLUE. You can spread it through your life this trend season and it will bring peace and creativity.  You can use it in wardrobe, home interior, cooking and, most importantly, it is a great color to add to your self-care routine.

The color blue promotes introspection, and when we surround ourselves with it, it takes our thoughts all the way to the end of their true intention. It tends to block defenses and fear so we can finish a thought process in whatever way our particular thought process works.

Blue is also calming and is intangible. It can promote creativity in task, in artistry, and emotional creativity.

One trick you can use to enhance the power or experience of blue in your life is to couple it with orange. Orange will enhance the properties of the color blue. If it is accompanied by any orange it will boost the blue’s effect.

In your wardrobe you can add just a little orange to your blue through an accent. Remember the rule that the more intense the blue, the more subdued the orange should be, or vice-versa. You don’t want the two competing.

In your surroundings just make sure that there is more blue than orange to enhance the effects of the blue. Otherwise you will be enhancing the color orange and you will create the opposite effect.

So if you are “feeling blue,” go out and find ways to surround yourself with the color blue this season!

Remember, everyone is a masterpiece.
