Tag: trends

How to Use Blue: A Follow Up (VIDEO)

As a follow-up to more of the questions we received regarding our January blog posts about the color blue, Brook has created a short video to help you know the different ways you can use blue, and how to keep it in your own design.

For an even more in-depth video about the color blue, log-in to the Human Art Classroom where you can watch a discussion with Brook about what blue means, how it affects us, and how we can use it in our daily lives. Not a member yet? Click here to sign up! Get exclusive videos and downloads, and access to any new content we add!

We hope you enjoy learning more about blue, and remember, everyone is a masterpiece!



Are You Feeling Blue?
Feeling Blue? But Which Shade of Blue?


Feeling Blue? But Which Shade of Blue?

After the last blog post about using the color blue, we had a lot of questions come in about which blue a person should pick for themselves. “Do I pick a Saturated, Whitened, Grayed or Blackened blue if I’m going to surround myself with blue this season?”

In answer to that, here are two questions to ask yourself when you are picking any color.

  • Are you drawn to it?
  • Does it make you feel inspired when you put it close to you?
Human Art Color Wheels

Are you drawn to it?  If it were in a store, is it one of the first colors you see when you walk in, before you start to consider other options? Because we crave color, the color we are craving will grab our attention first and it will leave an impression. Pay attention to the impressions in our mind (or out loud) that pop up when we first see that particular color. That is good information.

Does it make you feel inspired when you put it close to you? We’ve talked about how sometimes we are drawn to our opposite; the same applies in color. Sometimes we are drawn to a color because it is our opposite. If that color were a person, we would want to take it to dinner and have a great conversation with it. That’s why you try it on. If it is a piece of wardrobe, like a shirt, it will feel frumpy on us if it is not our design. If it is something we want around us the feeling won’t be quite as dramatic, but will still have the same effect, so again just pay attention to the impressions it leaves when you put it close; that will tell you a lot.

Remember that we have all four of the designs in us, so we will want a little of all of them at one time or another, so pay attention to what is truly inspiring us in that moment.

Also remember that everyone is a masterpiece!



Jan. 14, 2020 – Are You Feeling Blue?


Color Trends: Moving from Winter to Spring

Sitting at my desk this morning I was receiving alerts about color trends from companies I work with that predict upcoming fashion trends. I love the theme or feeling they have all communicated this year for moving from winter trends into spring and summer trends.

One thing that is important to understand is these companies carefully think about color and how color trends affect or influence what is going on in the world socially. Some even take a broader view like politics or current events and how they are impacting us in our daily lives and then attempt to balance that theme with colors they select. A lot of thought and psychology goes into it.

As I read each one of these reports they all seemed, to some degree, to touch on how this winter had its fair share of heaviness, even amongst the light moments. Examples might be the constant flood of wars threatening…Shootings…Grief of any kind. So in order to impact us in an effort to balance things out the colors that are being used moving forward have a lightness to them. The thing they all have in common is a peacefulness that runs through your sub-conscious mind and floods your body when you are exposed to them. They bring a lightness that has the ability to balance that heaviness out. Sometimes we are not even aware of what it’s doing for us, other than we are drawn to the color and love how it makes us feel.

When thinking of trends it is important to bring in good colors for that particular time and it is equally important to put them together in great combinations. Here are some to consider:

Sky Blue with a Quiet Gray


The color blue represents the intangible—free movement and free thinking. It promotes positive introspection that leads to inspiring thoughts. It can’t be controlled. It has its own system of finding order and it works. Trying to control blue is like trying to fence in the ocean; you can try but it won’t last.

With the blue you add a calming or quiet grey. This can be matte or metallic: matte if you want it more Grayed or Blackened and metallic if you want it Whitened or Saturated. The grey quiets things down. It promotes security in oneself. It’s a confidence that cannot be molded as much as it just authentically exists. It’s like quick silver. The more you try and squeeze it in your hands, the more it drips through your fingers. But if you let it just be, carefully holding it still in the palm of your hand, it stays as it is in a mass that doesn’t change at all.

My suggestion is to make the majority of the outfit in the greys and add the blue as an accent. Bring in small amounts of another color in socks or makeup, or even a tie or scarf.

Quiet Brown or Taupe with a Small Hint of Red (but make the hint count)



The brown represents the core. The core of anything. It is the place or person we all come back to because it makes us feel grounded. It’s like a wise old medicine man. It is not forceful or dominating. He has so much to offer as far as wisdom, support, and emotional insights but he doesn’t go around selling anything. He patiently waits for you to seek him out, then gives you all he has to offer as far as support and security. This is the feeling brown gives us.

Red is passion and physical activity. It tend to get things moving and gets us moving and can’t help but extract our true talents with all that passion it brings when we see it. When you add small doses of red it bring bursts of inspiration and movement, moving things forward in small steps that have big and substantial results and effects.

Some of the best ways to marry the red with the brown is with lipstick, fingernail polish, socks, ties, jewelry or backpacks or bags.

Accent Must Haves

Anything mustard. But with a zest or spice added. So think of how you like your mustard when adding it to a dish. Are you a plain mustard person? Use that color. Do you like jalapeño mustard? Use that color. Maybe you are a horseradish person. Then wear that color as an accent. Just depends on how spicy you are feeling that day. Match it to your accessories.


Another important accent color is a clay color. Think of when you buy pottery; the richer the pottery you like, the richer the colors you will select.  Remember, we want them light feeling. So when you pick them, pick them in more neutral colors for the Grayed design, rich and light for Blackened, light and clear for Whitened, and bright but light for Saturated. Go look at a pottery display or exhibit and look at the variety of colors. This light clay accent is fabulous for shoes, boots, saddles, jackets, sweaters, and is even great for lipstick. Bracelets—men’s or women’s—are a great way to bring this color on. Be adventurous and wear a clay colored watch or ring.



Have fun with this! You do not need to change your entire wardrobe, but add a few pieces in these colors and it will update the basics that you already have in your closet and help move you forward this spring. Wear what feels good to you. Remember, if you love it when you see it then it is probably your design.

And, as always, remember everyone is a masterpiece.