You can tell the Whitened design or personality within three seconds when they walk through the door.
“You are here, I’m so excited!”
Their movement busy and is maximum movement
“I have an appointment, I’m so glad it’s you…”

It is so beautiful; the room seems to come to life. It’s as if a fresh, yet light, swirling breeze came in the room; similar to when leaves pirouette in circles when caught in a warm summer wind.
You feel yourself relax and you are suddenly caught up in enrolling with those around you. It’s like springtime when you hear the first bird start singing. It feels as if you are watching the sun come through the door after a cold rain. You forget all your worries and for a few minutes you smile and get caught up in the conversation. This is an example of what it feels like to get softly yet swiftly bounced into a 3 second interaction with someone who has a lot of Whitened in their design.
We sometimes forget to notice their advanced social engagement and how they can somehow pay attention to everyone in the room. That ability to absorb so many dynamics with so many people at the same time is their brilliance, and yet it’s done in such a light and no-guile way with no agenda, just being present to see what will happen next. Sometimes we make the mistake of labeling this unassuming and youthful attitude for one that is scattered or random; but if we stop and peek into their method, we understand just how much information they can take in at one time, and truly concentrate on all of it, yet keep it so light at the same time. Do not underestimate their emotional intelligence. Instead ride the ride. They will bring you along in a fun commentator role.
Common questions they might ask usually have something to do with either social engagement or change.
“Hey come see, can you believe this?”…
“You know what would be so fun?”…
“I have an idea, so you want to just…”
We can engage them by enrolling them into our conversation. Often we won’t have to engage them because they usually initiate the conversation, so it is a service to them when you will jump in and participate in what they are doing. If you are introverted and find yourself not prone to participate comfortably, its ok, they also appreciate you participating by paying attention to what is going on. It is the same for them. The general rule with someone with a lot of Whitened is “if you’re happy, they are happy.”
“Oh I see that you have gathered some of the people around and are playing a team building game. I LOVE WATCHING THIS. It is so fun to observe.”
The Whitened personality is joyful. It is a happy state that is spontaneous and youthful. It has to have a free component to interactions. They thrive and recharge when people they love are around them. Social engagement is key. Any job is done better when someone is with them.
This week make it a point to find as many people as you can that have a high amount of Whitened in them. Even though we all have amounts of all four personality types in us, it is pretty obvious that someone has high amounts of Whitened in them when you look for these traits we’ve discussed. You will see it. Please take the time to enjoy the beauty of it. Even if you don’t get exactly the amount of Whitened in the person you are paying attention to, That’s ok, at least you are giving them some of your time to see their beauty.
Remember, everyone is a masterpiece.