Tag: interact

Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men: Leaving Our Imprint (Week 3)

Over the week I have seen many examples of people leaving their imprint. It shows up when they leave goodies on someone’s porch, when they carol, I even heard a Christmas message delivered in a way that illuminated that person’s personality traits that were very attractive and warm. I witnessed a couple entertaining friends with a song on a piano and even their interactions with each other were so sweet and charming that it left an imprint of them as a couple on the entire group that night. It seems to come out at Christmas more than any other time of year. It lends itself to connections and reevaluating ourselves to see where we want to grow.

The Grayed person, or someone with a lot of Grayed in their design, is a great example of this kind of act or dynamic that leads to leaving their imprint on someone, because they value connection. They instinctively look for connections in all that they do.

Three Things a Grayed Person Leaves With Us (Their Imprint):

A Sense of Calm
Things to Ponder
A Feeling of Connection

These are great things to feel in our lives and also great things to bring into our lives. As we find ourselves on the doorstep of that great Christmas day, as we do our last minute errands, make one of those errands be to leave our imprint somewhere, and do it in a way that brings peace. It cannot help but enhance the Christmas season and make all those we encounter walk away better than when we got there. Remember, everyone is a masterpiece.


Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men: Leaving Our Imprint (week 2)

As we talked last week about our individual imprint that we leave when we interact with others, it got us all thinking here at Human Art this week. We have had many discussions on how others might experience our personality, or in simple terms, what affect we have on others. We dove deeper into that concept and we became very curious as to how we leave people feeling when they experience our personality or design. It occurred to us that our design could be experienced in a positive or a negative way, depending on how we use it to interact with others. It became very important to us that we used our design to leave peace, wherever we had the chance to interact with someone. That is especially important to us at Christmas time. “Good will towards men.”

The Whitened person is a master at that when they are interacting in their authenticity. They love it when everyone is happy, so they are drawn to positivism and to upbeat interactions. They seem to share a desire to leave others in a happier state when they interact with them.

3 Things a Whitened Person Leaves With Us When They Serve Us (Their Imprint):

As we find ourselves in the middle of the holiday season it is great to give gifts and provide activities, but make sure some of the gifts are small acts of kindness in that Whitened way. To the degree that you have Whitened in your design or personality, is the degree you will want to serve in this way. It is a great way to serve others at this Christmas time.

Remember, everyone is a masterpiece.
