Tag: trend alert

Human Art Trend Alert: Fall Color

I woke up this morning and realized it was a beautiful, sunny August morning. We have plans to celebrate the important August birthdays of loved ones in our life. Conversations of all the exciting vacations everyone around us have been experiencing are being had. It’s a time when a familiar feeling of starts to warm my soul. It’s the same one I get every year at this time. Even though the sun is still shining bright to remind me it is still summer, I know I can start to anticipate, or begin to romance, the feeling of fall. I am still enjoying the excitement of summer but I can hear the echoes of autumn leaves, pumpkin spice, chilly mornings, and deep, quiet reflection.

I also realize that it is the exciting time when we get flooded with questions at Human Art about trend advice. For some reason this is the time of year we get the most questions in that category. Everything from, “what should I focus on for back to school shopping?” to “what is the one piece I can add to my wardrobe to update?” It makes me so happy because it feels as if we all woke up with the same feeling of “trend is in the air at Human Art.”

The best place to start is with the trend colors for fall. Let me give you a few quick tips to start off.

First, color is key.
Each fall at Human Art we collect the trend colors from our sources in the fashion world. We then mindfully simplify that advice or ‘consumerize” it if you will, to make the feeling of being “on trend” more accessible. We like to make it simple for you to create an expression of your authenticity. The simplest and, to me, most important place to begin is with color. Color will create the biggest impact on a ward robe or a fashion expression of any kind.

The stars this year in color are blue and violet, the supporting role is played by gold, and the contrast is taupe with white or bone.











(I went shopping around different color companies and put these samples together to give you an idea. )

Second, find a color in your design.
If you love the color, it is likely your design. Think of the communication the color has. If it’s sophisticated then it is probably Saturated, playful-Whitened, elegant-Grayed, earthy-Blackened. For example, if you are considering a blue article of clothing, you would just ask yourself as you look at the color, “What does it communicate?”

Third (and most important to me), whatever you chose, wear it like you love it.
Confidence is the most attractive part of any trend. When you love its expression, so will everyone else. Express who you are authentically and show off your confidence in yourself and who you are.

Remember everyone is a masterpiece.


What fall trends have you been starting to see that you love, or maybe have questions about? Share with us in the comments below!