Combat Negativity: Become Your Own News

Did you check the news today?

It seems as if the world has quite a bit going on. It used to be when I looked to the news for current events there was an unusually traumatic event every once in a while followed by a stream of interest stories and then your occasional good deed done by some type of hero (those are my favorite ones). More recently it seems as the traumatic events or negative interactions might be the focus of what is going on. It causes us to pause and evaluate. Is that the current state of the world? Is getting more sinister or are we surrounded with negativity? Are we just not focusing on the good deeds?

I don’t have the answer to those questions, but I do know this. I was asked once what would be the one thing that you would focus on that could combat negative and traumatic actions in human behavior. I knew my answer immediately. Like it was sitting waiting in my brain for someone to ask me this question it popped out that fast. I don’t even know if there was a pause between the question asked and my answer.

“It is self-love and self-value.”

You have to find love for yourself and value yourself before you can anyone else. The degree to which you love and value yourself is the same degree you will love and value others. For example, if you find yourself devaluing others maybe through criticism that is information about how much you value yourself or a look into how you see yourself. You probably see yourself through critical eyes and tend to be critical or use harsh self talk. If you find it hard to trust others, there is a great possibility you don’t have the self value to trust yourself. On the other hand, if you have a reasonable amount of self love and self value you might find yourself interacting with others in that same way frequently.

So how do we shine the light on these kinds of interactions in our world? We simply become our own news. The current event is your personal story. It is that story where you work to find love and value in yourself. The place wherein you are your own investigative reporter and all that you can find are good deeds, interesting current events, and acts of kindness. That type of value and self love that translates into efficacy and you soon start to see yourself showing up in your life as the hero. Yes there will be the occasional negative story but you will have so much more in your emotional tool kit to combat that negativity.

At Human Art: The Original Personality Test the story is you. You are the hero being interviewed. Work hard to find your worth and value. If you are lucky and it is intact, then work to make it stronger. I think the effects that we can have on this planet could be profound. Look to your central focus* and your correlating can-be* to strengthen your understanding of yourself. In the end those are the stories that we really care about. Never forget, everyone is a masterpiece.


*to learn more become a member of the Human Art Classroom and view a video all about the central focus and can-be’s of each design.

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