You can tell the Blackened design or personality in 3 seconds when they walk through the door.

“I’m here, I have an appointment right now, let’s get started so we will end on time.”
Their movement is deliberate and on purpose and it makes you want to jump in and participate in the task; whatever it might be.
“What’s our time frame? I have another appointment after this.”
It is so beautiful. The room seems to immediately turn casual, any pretenses gone as if the sun is beating down and bathing you after a long day of hard work. Like a nap on a warm beach with waves crashing on you and leaving a little sand on our face to remind you that you are here. It is rich yet earthy, similar to a thunderstorm beating down on you while you are running through the streets laughing and dancing in bare feet. You feel yourself drinking in the casual warmth and find yourself opening up like you never have before, responding to their honesty and realness like a good old friend that you feel secure with.
You notice that the Blackened person is giving you honest advice in a truthful way that is nurturing; and can abruptly switch your direction to one that is realistic and secure. It’s as if they don’t want you to spend one more minute wasting time on something that won’t serve you. You feel secure yet nurtured—similar to a walk in the mountains with all its honesty. You notice the Blackened person is caring for you through tasks. They get you a chair, or a plate of food, even a blanket when you are cold. That’s their charm. This is an example of what it feels like to get thrown into a 3 second interaction with someone that has a lot of Blackened in their personality.
We sometimes forget to notice their “get ‘r done” nature. Everything they do is designed to protect—to protect those around them, those they love, those they don’t even know. Their ability to fix things, no matter what they are, is uncanny. It is as if their body moves to fix a problem before their mind even can finish processing what it is. They do that on the way.
Sometimes we dismiss their directness as someone who is tactless, when really they are just trying to get to the what, where, and why of every situation. They are so resourceful. They can fix whatever is wrong with just what resources are in the room.
Common question have to do with resources.
“Did you get that done?”
“How did you do it?”
“Did you put that away?”
We can better engage them through structure.
“What needs to be done first?”
“What makes more sense right now?”
“What will save resources?”
A Blackened person does not appreciate the drama or the “fluff.” They are the “get to it” group; not a lot of talking just a lot of doing. They prefer serving someone over having a meeting about it. They are very hands on. If you truly want to engage them in a caring way just take something off their list of things to do. They appreciate it because they are probably doing that for you to show how much they care.
This week, make it a point to find as many people as you can who have a high amount of Blackened in their personality. We all have amounts of each harmony in us, but it is pretty obvious that someone has high amounts of Blackened when you look for the traits that we have discussed. Please take the time to enjoy the beauty of it. Even if you don’t get the exact amount of Blackened, that’s ok, at least you are giving them some of your time to see their beauty.
Remember, everyone is a masterpiece.