Tag: Grayed personality

It Only Takes 3 Seconds to Identify the Grayed Personality

You can tell the Grayed design or personality in 3 seconds when they walk through the door.

“Is this the right time. Am I in the right place?”
Their movement is flowing and continuous.
“Can you tell me where I am supposed to go.”

It is so beautiful. The room seems to take on a dreamy and mystical ambience. It is calm yet refined. It is as if a magical mist entered the room. Similar to a spray of rain where the drops blend together. You feel your shoulders drop a bit and sigh. It feels like settling into a soft comfortable chair. You find yourself weaving into a conversation and connecting deeply with the person. You notice that the Grayed person is wanting to know what you need and prefer. They are genuinely interested in the details of your experience. This is an example of what it feels like to descend into the deep end of a 3 second interaction with someone who has a lot of Grayed in their personality.

We sometimes forget to notice the meticulous nature of everything a Grayed person does. Their ability to process and think about the “what could be, might be, and should be” is their brilliance. It is done in such an understated and conservative way. Sometimes we dismiss their meticulous inquiry as a studious interrogation when really every detail is designed to protect others from making preventable mistakes. Their strength is their ability to help us ponder things and consider all the contingencies. If we would just stop and unfold their method, we would understand how deeply they care and want to connect with those around them. They would help us to intensely experience the highs and lows of life and be there to catch us when we fall. Do not underestimate their ability to care.

Common questions have to do with the details and how things will move and flow.

“The last time we talked, you mentioned your project. How is that going?”
“Hold on. Go back and tell me more about…”
“Wait. Can we think this through? You said…”

We can more comfortably engage them by easing into conversations or dynamics. Grayed people tend to not appreciate change and confrontation but they are great at collaboration if you will slow down and give them adequate time to consider the details.

Sometimes they like to ask all the questions and sometimes they just want to listen. They romance through the details no matter who is talking. The general rule with the Grayed personality is focus on the details and avoid abrupt starts and stops.

“Last week we were trying to solve this problem, Can we talk more about it.”
“It is getting closer to the time we have to make the decision, can we talk about a few more details.”

The Grayed personality is sensitive. It is mysterious and intuitive. They like depth in every interaction. They like traditions and thread relationships over time. They like fewer closer relationships.

This week make a point to find as many people as you can who have a high amount of Grayed in their personality. We all have amounts of each harmony in us. It is pretty obvious that someone has high amounts of Grayed when you look for the traits we have discussed. Please take the time to enjoy the beauty of it. Even if you don’t get the exact amount of Grayed, that is ok, at least you are giving them some time to see their beauty.

Remember everyone is a masterpiece.


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