Just like anything else that is worth diving into, knowing and understanding one’s personality is a critical part of building a good, strong sense of self. It is an important part of learning how to support oneself. I love the business of personality profiling. It brings me an incredible sense of joy. One of the biggest reasons for that is, with every interaction or discovery of someone’s personality, on the other side of me and my responsibility to work hard for an individual to put their equation together is a human being. A person with many layers, with a story or perhaps many stories. A person with some level of independence and a functioning autonomy that is where I see the human spirit. We all have that in common. We all seem to be hungry for more clues into who we are, how we are made, and what authentically rings true to each of us in a way only we, as that individual, understand.
That responsibility is what I would like to focus on. Once you understand at any level who you are, it is your responsibility to move forward in life from the inside out. Keeping the good in and the bad out. Going into each day with those traits as a security and using them to the best of your ability. I see far too many times we human beings forgetting to look inside for our worth and instead looking to others to give it to us. It leaves us feeling lonely; lonely for someone. That someone is you – your authenticity.

I remember discussing this very thing with my father when our book, Human Art: Understanding your own Personal Design* first came out. My family is a large family of artists. My dad was a painter but a commercial artist by trade. Beautiful art was so important to him but so were words. He talked about the emotions that came up when he read the “forward” of the book. It was a plea of sorts to move “forward” as a human race. He said he had discussed this with some of his friends. He talked to me about how someone of his age could take these words in and look at each individual in that way.
I have a beautiful piece of white paper with one word on it that my father scribed with ink and pen by hand, hanging in my home. It is one word and to me it really does tell a story of each human being if you look deep enough. INCREDIBLE.
I, like my father, did believe every human is incredible. We owe them a deeper look—to find authenticity. We also owe ourselves that courtesy. Stop looking from the outside in with a script of what you think you should be. Start looking from the inside out and find your place in this world, your place authentically.
Find a word or an attribute, a simple trait that you believe about yourself—it could be anything—and hold on to it. Move FORWARD in a way only you can. Live in that way, love with understanding for each other, discover new things with an attitude of celebration and tolerance for others’ authenticity. We all deserve that because everyone is a masterpiece.
To learn more about Human Art, the history, and where it came from, visit our website: https://theoriginalpersonalitytest.com/about/welcome
*The book “Human Art: Understanding Your Own Personal Design” by Brook and Rod Thornley is currently out of print. We are hoping to offer a 2nd Edition in the future. We will keep you posted!
Human Art and Myers-Briggs — How Do We Compare to Other Personality Tests?
Human Art vs Other Personality Tests: Thinking vs. Feeling
Human Art vs. Other Personality Tests: Sensing vs. Intuitive
You always give me the needed words at the perfect time! Thanks again my friend, N