Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: What’s the Difference

Projection, projected self, false self—these are all terms that are thrown around when we refer to someone that is not being their true self.

Authentic, authenticity, real—are terms that we equally hear and is the preferred way for a human to function. Even though it is the preferred way, we are seeing less and less of authenticity; and with social media it is definitely a temptation for people to put their best, not their worst, forward when posting. The question then becomes, why are we all feeling a need to project our self and our lives as a little (or a lot) better than they really are in reality?

Maybe we are putting too much pressure on ourselves to come across a little better than others, or it could be that we don’t believe in our own abilities as much. It could also be that we believe we think we can’t get ahead if we don’t.

Temptation or not, the reason that we need to be authentic instead of projecting a false self is simply because in the end being authentic leaves us in a happier state and with a feeling of peace in our relationship with our self and with others.

As a personality profiler, I see this daily. We all know our authentic traits to some degree. Even if it is just one or two of them. We tend to like our authenticity, it is our preferred way of navigating life. But then we might find ourselves in a moment when someone else (could be an authority figure) disagrees with our way and if it goes as far as getting negative attention for it, perhaps we get criticized for using it, that is the very moment that we have to make a decision about ourselves.

This decision usually is processed and made in our subconscious mind. The inner dialogue sounds something like this: “Using that authentic trait didn’t work out for me very well, all that I got from using it was criticism.” It is in that moment we ask our self, “Do I keep that trait and use it again, or do I reject that trait?”

If I choose to reject it, I am literally throwing that authentic trait out. Disregarding it. I might be able to piddle along through life without it, except for the fact that in human behavior we don’t exactly work like that. We immediately feel the need to pick another trait to replace it. We replace it with a manufactured trait. One that we make up. It is a defense mechanism we all have. We find the one that will give us a false sense of protection and really isn’t us—it is made to project, project and protect. That is the first step in creating an egoic self or a manufactured self.

In extreme cases, one might completely divorce their authentic self and function only in the manufactured or projected self.

That is where the designs of Human Art come in. Knowing who you are and how you are made up is important when one is trying to stay authentic. The authentic traits and tendencies are a reminder of who you are but can also be a constant reminder of how great your design is—keeping you on the authentic side of life.

Let’s talk about the Saturated design this week and then we will showcase the others throughout the weeks of March.


The Saturated authenticity is beautiful and still. Someone that is high in the Saturated design has a high amount of credibility. They are dignified. I describe it as a quiet dignity. They move through life with everything going on on the inside and they are driven by finding the one most important thing. They can make clear and precise decisions. Those traits are all harmonious. They are authentic to a person high in the Saturated design. It makes sense to people interacting with them.

Now let’s say they get criticized for being too serious. They might reject that trait and then take on the manufactured trait of being funny as a protection. Then, another time someone that is really conservative criticizes them for being quality driven. There again they reject the quality trait and then maybe put in an ultra-conservative trait as part of the manufactured to protect them from getting criticized again. Then it keeps going. They reject still and replace it with obnoxious and loud. They reject their peaceful way and replace it with overbearing. Now, instead of a beautiful Saturated authenticity you have an egoic self that is overly funny, painfully conservative, obnoxiously forceful and dominating. It creates confusion when expecting a beautiful Saturated person. It does not in any way validate the Saturated person.


Finding our authentic equation and experiencing life through it is the only way to be healthy and happy. Building on that authenticity and finding other authentic strengths is the way we are intended to grow. Developing character while still being seen through the lens of our authenticity is the greatest way to navigate life and our personal growth. Ask yourself this question. “AM I FUNCTIONING IN MY AUTHENTIC SELF OR IN A MADE UP VERSION OF A PROJECTED, EGOIC, MANUFACTURED SELF? OR IS IT A LITTLE BIT OF BOTH?”

Use this week to notice how much of the authentic Saturated you have in your design. Is it a little, a medium amount, or a lot? To the degree you have it, Find the Saturated traits you relate to and use them. Stand still and dignified in them. Observe how you feel. Take that step, it is a step towards being more authentic. You deserve it, those you interact with deserve the best you.

And remember, everyone is a masterpiece.



Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Whitened Difference
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Grayed Connection
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Blackened Fix
Authentic Road or Manufactured Road: The Human Race

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