“Based on another test, I am a thinker not a feeler,” was the statement from one client. It is not the first time this issue has come up from clients that have been profiled by other personality tests (others might say they were told they are a feeler). One said that after taking a test that put them in a thinker category, they became very self-conscious about being perceived as cold and aloof. They find themselves being preoccupied in groups; worrying about how they are coming across and if it is too cold. They expressed they feel as though they have lost their natural curiosity when they are with other people because they are worried about it. This is an example of what happens when a personality test of any sort is limiting. If we start to specialize humans too much, we find ourselves in a place that we might be hurting more than we are helping.
In my opinion, a far more superior system is when we look for patterns and equations of how they do both thinking and feeling. At Human Art you have a profile of how you authentically think and how you authentically feel. We all do both. It might be in a different order or in different degrees. It can even show up differently when in different settings. Human Art can define that for you.
The most important step is that we, as a society of humans, really settle in to the idea that we are all beautiful in our own right. And defining the complexity of each one of us is far more rewarding than categorizing our ability or traits in too much of a simplistic way. I will tell you that over the years I have fought for this. We have had so many well-intentioned and intelligent people try to convince us that, from a business stand point, it is better to just identify each person with one or two of the Human Art designs (rather than a unique combination of all four) to make it more duplicatable. We refuse to do that because it is not authentic. I tell you that you as a human have the God-given right to have someone take the time to see you for who you really are. From your most obvious and predominant trait to the one that is so small it might be a just a “fume” – that “fume” changes everything that we think we know about you.
Showing the amounts and the order for each of the designs is the key to helping people fall in love with their authenticity again. The amount of thinker and the amount of feeler that you are, and what it looks like for each individual. We can talk about what it feels like to you and also what it looks and feels like to others around you.
Let’s go back and look at the client that was worried about coming across too cold. Her original test was correct in that she is a “thinker” first, but it failed to measure how fast the “feeling” part of her design accompanied that. It was amazing to me how fast it was. She is high in what we call the Saturated Design. Her thinking is done in an introverted, clear way, but immediately her feeling part of her design accompanies the thinking. This would lead her to move right away to how she felt about the things that she was drawing conclusions about. I saw it time and time again when I watched her interact with others. It was so beautiful to me. The minute that happened (the thinking) she would turn her head slightly, her chin would shift smoothly in the direction of her left shoulder, and she would immediately start to ask questions and deduct how the conversation was making the other person feel. She already knew how she felt because she is such a clear thinker. So before the person she was interacting with even has time to deem her cold, she was swimming in a pool of empathy for that person. No time at all for aloof feelings, just understanding. I also noticed that when she was preoccupied with the results of the prior test, her authentic come across, or that shift to feelings, would not happen. We did not get to experience that observable empathy because of her worry, so she would actually get more of what she was afraid of—negative reactions and less authenticity. When she was more authentic and understood herself, her Saturated and Blackened design did the thinking first and then quickly moved her into her Grayed that felt things in an intuitive way and with compassion and sensitivity.

I had a conversation with another client who is very high in her ability to feel. She took a test that was helping her employer define the best task for her and they came up with the task of typing. They actually told her that she should focus only on that. That is just far to limiting for this particular client, or for any other human being. In Human Art, we would see that this person is high in the Whitened personality and has large amounts of it at first. This type of feeler is a free spirit and full of natural curiosity with no guile. She is very curious and full of spontaneity. She loves social interactions and can enroll others easily. Taking a test that is too simplistic would see that and be able to point that out. What it would miss is that she then has an underlying amount of thinker that is done in a serious and detailed way. These come from her second and third designs. That means she has the ability to be serious and logical in her tasks as well. This is critical to know. I agree with the original test based on the Myers-Briggs, she would be an excellent typist, but it falls too short and depreciates the breadth of what she can do. Her employer is missing out on so much that she has to offer by basing their idea of her abilities on such a narrow perspective. That is the mindset we are trying to challenge.
So again, I worry that when tests that are accurate in the application but not the complexity, they run the risk of marginalizing or devaluing the totality and the capability of what a person can offer. You run the risk of putting someone in a corner to do a job and, though they will do it well, they could also have the potential and the desire to be more—maybe even a great executive. It is not just in business this happens. It is in family, friendships, learning settings, and social settings.
The point I am adamant about making is that we all have something so unique to add to this great earth and it is time to get smarter about discovering it. We as a human race can define other complex systems and we have evolved enough and are intelligent enough to demand them. We wouldn’t settle for limited or simplistic ways of interacting and contacting each other, so we demanded it until we got social media and better networks. We knew we were falling short of how we take care of ourselves, so we are constantly finding ways to be healthier—we demand it. It is time to want a more complex system to measure a person, and to demand for ourselves nothing short of our full and complete authenticity. You need to find it, we can define it, and we all need to require it of each other. We are unique, we are all complex, we are all beautiful, we are all one of a kind.
We cannot settle for anything less, because everyone is a masterpiece.
To learn more about Human Art: The Original Personality Test, visit our website at https://theoriginalpersonalitytest.com
Human Art and Myers-Briggs — How Do We Compare to Other Personality Tests?
Human Art vs. Other Personality Tests: Sensing vs. Intuitive
Human Art vs Other Personality Tests: The Point of all This is You
10/16/2018: “To all mankind…one person at a time.”
5/29/2018: Forward
4/27/2015: Discover Your Own Attractiveness