Tag: men

Human Art for Men: Basic Characteristics

Visual Characteristics
Striking, Vivid, Polished, Exclusive
Decisive, Disciplined, Influential, Competent
Visual Characteristics
Radiant, Friendly, Avant Garde, Trendy
Spontaneous, Trustful, Sense of Humor, Teasing, Comforting, Adventurous
Visual Characteristics
Refined, Subtle, Dreamy, Mysterious, Lavish
Complex, Sensitive, Cultured, Perceptive, Idealistic
Visual Characteristics
Physical, Strong, Vital, Powerful, Exciting
Direct, Candid, Efficient, Stable, Practical


(For more detailed descriptions and characteristics of each design, click here.) 

Human Art for Men: The Really Great Guy

How many times in any given situation do you find yourself saying, “I wish I could find just a really great guy.” It could be because you are looking for a good guy to help fix something, someone to have a relationship with, or simply a friend. Or maybe you need a man’s perspective and you need someone you can trust, or maybe you are looking for a good leader. In all of these cases we ask ourselves, “but who?” In this fast-paced social media and electronic driven society it might be less of a guessing game and more of a “looking for the right facts” kind of a scenario.

When talking to some of the men we work with we asked them this question: “How do you find or become a really great guy?”

Some of them presented an interesting scenario. They said that society today tends to portray men in a weaker light. Some television shows and movies portray them as irresponsible in general instead of taking the time to evaluate them individually based on just them and their authentic self.

I thought about that. Some movies build men up to be superheroes and others (now that I’m paying attention to this theory) tend to emasculate them. So, to be fair, there is evidence of both.

But I propose we look at the middle of this spectrum. Maybe we are forgetting to give the everyday, just really good guy his due. Maybe we have been so caught up in the fascination of the extreme ends of the spectrum that we might have lost a little of our ability to judge just a really great guy.

In the middle is more about what is real. Really great guys all have their own masculinity. They have individual attractiveness and individual styles that can be defined and measured. They also have inner attractiveness that I think is the true attractiveness. I’ve told the story so many times about meeting my husband and when I defined his attractiveness that so caught my eye I described it to my family as, “strong and mysterious.” True attractiveness that he has always had and always will have. It doesn’t age. It just develops stronger with time.

Look around. Find these men. Look for their attractiveness and start discovering it little by little and, please please tell them! Point it out when you see those traits that make him a really great guy.

Human Art for Men is a place where you can go to learn about how to look for traits of a really good guy. It will also help in those moments when that really great guy might be struggling. No matter how great we are, we all have challenges. It will also help really great guys define themselves and give them information and articles on how to use your authentic strengths to navigate some of those challenges. They can also receive tips in fashion trends as well.

At the end of the day, if you believe that men are being unfairly portrayed in any way, don’t accept it. Our destiny as far as our culture and history is up to us to define and decide what road it takes. To decide what’s acceptable and what is not. It is our book to write and I say we write it in honor of that really good guy we know. The dad that always comes through, the one that stops to fix your tire when no one else will, or that guy at work or school that is a good leader and example. Identify those traits. Acknowledge them and, by all means, celebrate them! Remember, every one is a masterpiece.

Discover Your Attractiveness: Be “That Guy”

I remember when I was young there was a certain guy in our neighborhood. He was full of integrity and was the guy always there to help your family when asked. When I was at school I found the same thing; that guy that was always the helpful, trustworthy guy. Later, in my career, I again found the same thing. It didn’t matter where I worked, a different version of “that guy” seemed to always show up. Now in my life there are several of them and as we meet with clients we see it again and again; “that guy” that just seems to know what to do, in his own way.

Someone brought to my attention the other day that as they were observing men—on television, ones they are acquainted with etc.—that their perception of men had been de-valued in some way. My response was, “WHAT?! Have you never met “that guy?” You know, the one in your neighborhood; the one with integrity who is always there, always helpful?” It made me realize that we possibly could be missing them, and not seeing them for who they are. Are we not looking anymore, did we forget to see them for who they are, or has their role and the importance of their role just been diminished? As if we don’t need that “stand-up guy” anymore? Oh yes we do! And yes he is still there in our neighborhoods and at our schools and in the work place. We just need to acknowledge him again. So find him. Notice him. And if you’re a guy, BE him!

Here are a few hints how:

Find your own personal attractiveness—your complete attractiveness. There are 2 parts to complete attractiveness. One: physical attractiveness. Two: true attractiveness that consists of all your strengths character and talents. I believe it is impossible to have the first without the second. Once you have found this complete attractiveness, use it for good. Every guy has weaknesses but you can use the strengths from your design to overcome them. Be the man you were intended to be.

A Saturated Man
He is strong and in control. He is introverted and clear. He can think clearly and find the priority in any situation. He is observant and is often looking for a better way. Being a hard worker starts mentally for him. He is driven by quality and usually has one to three most important facts or priorities in any situation and he sticks to them. Those facts are the driving force in everything he does.

His physical attractiveness is often described as sleek, striking, manicured, and sophisticated. He has a flare for high fashion but does it in a simple and appropriate way. He tends to like simple, but it still needs to be quality.

A Whitened Man
He is enrolling. He works hard and tends to bring everyone along with him. The more people that get involved the harder he works. He is extroverted and his emotional intelligence is often high. He makes people feel important and can do that because people are important to him. He tends to truly care for others and uses his spontaneity to take care of those he cares for. He is very easy going and can be teaching you and pushing you for the better all while it feels like your just having a light conversation. He is social and loves change.

His physical attractiveness can be described as inviting, yet strong. He is youthful and full of life and energy. He has a style that changes. There is often a little avant-garde to his look. He can pull off trends and can mix things up and it looks amazing. The more movement he has the more masculine he becomes.

A Grayed Man
Describing a Grayed guy is in the details. He is methodical and the details matter. He is meticulous, so no stone goes unturned.  He takes care of all the details but it is done first in his head. He will consider all the options and contingencies before making a decision and acting on it so when he does something it is well planned.

His physical attractiveness is refined and well put together. He loves the finer things, especially the small details, when it comes to his appearance. He is understated but always put together. He likes to blend in but when he does that right he tends to stand out because he makes blending in look so good.

A Blackened Man
A Blackened man is the “get ‘er done” guy. His attractiveness is in the fact that he will just fix it. He tends to be very physical. He is extroverted in a very real way. He would rather just get to work on something than analyze it. He can think quickly on his feet and tends to be very resourceful. He creates solutions in a practical way. He is very straight forward and tends to tell it like it is which is very refreshing because he can do it in a warm way. He tends to be very approachable in a pragmatic way.

His physical look is casual and natural. He loves to look good but in a casual or rich way. He leans towards earthy and natural looks. The more natural and exotic the better he looks.


Each man has his own version of attractiveness. It doesn’t look like any others. Look for it. Don’t pass it by. Just because we don’t see it right away doesn’t mean it is not there. If we look for these great strengths in authentic ways we will start to see they have been there all along. Right beside us. Working to be that guy. The very ones I saw when I was young. The very ones that are still there in the work place and in our communities. And if you are that guy, stand tall and do good! Do it in a way no one but you can. You will truly affect others and change lives. Take away any doubt that there are truly great guys out there because there are a lot of them. Remember, everyone is a masterpiece.