Category: Authentic Self

Design Inner Conflict: The Saturated Design

What is a “design inner conflict?” It is just like it sounds: a conflict within your design. An argument of sorts, with yourself. The conflict shows up in your relationship with yourself and it manifests itself in your inner dialogue. It is those thoughts and conversation you have inside your mind.

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Because of the fact that we have all four designs and each has its own central focus, that central focus wants to win out; so it fights with the central focus of the other designs—especially your second design personality.

For example, my Saturated and Whitened are equal and they are my dominant designs. The central focus of the Saturated design is that I crave order in my life, while my Whitened craves change and that manifests itself in creativity. The inner conflict is: do I pick order, or do I create spontaneity? The questions go on and on in my head. It could be something as simple as, “do I clean a closet out, or do I spend that time designing a new living space?” They both seem equally important to me at any given time.

We are going to talk this month about these “design inner conflicts” and how they might occur within each dominant and secondary design.

Tonight, let’s talk about the Saturated design. Those who are high in that design will relate to this explanation, but those who are not should still pay attention for the sake of those in their life that are Saturated.

Saturated with an Influence of Whitened
As I stated previously, the Saturated design has a need for order. They like things simple and they thrive when there is a lot of negative space around them. That is a lot of nothing or empty space. So they would want things quiet and calm. Their Whitened however, would sit in the calm quiet and then want to socialize it with others; so they would have the need to fill that space with other people or with something to do. It would be a fight to see which one wins out.

Saturated with an Influence of Grayed
The central focus of the Grayed design is to process and really pay attention to the details and connections. So if someone is Saturated first with a secondary Grayed design, the inner conflict would not be so much of a fight back and forth as much as the inner dialogue would blend. But the details or facts that are important to each design are what would have that back and forth dialogue, which would have the potential to overwhelm the Saturated-Grayed person.

Saturated with an Influence of Blackened
The Blackened influence as a secondary to the Saturated could create a collision of sorts in their thoughts. The Saturated would want to take charge in the sequencing, but the Blackened logic would want to be practical. Something as simple as wanting to purchase an item that is quality and worthwhile to the Saturated part of the design, but then the Blackened resourcefulness talks themselves out of it. Often times they express regret, not buyers regret, but regret that they don’t have enough quality around them.

This week, write down what is most important to your Saturated design if you are Saturated first, then write down the things that create a conflict with it. Learn to work it out with both designs, just as if they are small children you have to help regulate. After a while it will become natural and you will find yourself on your way to supporting yourself. That in the end is the goal.

Remember, everyone is a masterpiece.



Design Inner Conflict: The Whitened Design
Design Inner Conflict: The Grayed Design
Design Inner Conflict: The Blackened Design

Authentic Road or Manufactured Road: The Human Race

One thing we all have in common as humans is that we are all engaged in the same marathon, the race, the human race. We all want to cross the finish line and we all want to make something of ourselves along the way. I love that about people. It’s just that, no matter how well intended we might be, if we pick the wrong path we end up at the wrong finish line. If we pick the right path we end up at the intended finish line—the one meant for us individually.

Photo Source: Pexels

But how do we make sure we are in our intended life and on the right road? The answer seems pretty simple to me. It is all in who we identify with. If we chose to identify with our self and our authenticity, we are on our intended authentic path; if we try to identify with everyone else and mirror them, we choose the harder path that might not get us where we want to go. It certainly will create more obstacles along the way.

When we choose the road marked authenticity, we still have trials and struggles, but we finish the race with more traits and a stronger, organized, and healthy self. Using our authenticity to navigate the struggle of the race grows our ability to support our self and most importantly like, and even love, our self for who we are and what we have been able to accomplish. It moves us forward.

If we choose the road that is manufactured it is much harder because we have to create a path or a road before we can even run the race. It is organized through fear and is escalated with the bulldozer of control instead of curiosity; it twists us and turns us and winds us chaotically through the race and leaves us exhausted and confused as to where we really are and what our finish line even looks like. We still put our time in the race, we just wind up in a completely different spot than we wanted and leaves us disappointed and alone.

I remember years ago sitting in a lecture with world renowned Dr. Stanton Samenow who wrote the book, “Inside The Criminal Mind.” He was contrasting people who I understood to be authentic and those who had created such a manufactured and egoic self that they had completely lost any ability to have empathy. He also described some who were so ego driven that they lost any sense of self regulation and observing ego. He said something that has stuck with me for years. This is how I remember it: “Self-esteem is the product of a process.”

He went on to describe that ego driven individuals have little or no ability to stick with a process. They want a quick fix, or instant gratification. I sat and absorbed that for a minute. He went on to describe that it is in the process, and the effort that is required for that process, where we gain or self-esteem. He used the analogy of a race and said if he picked us up at the starting line and drove us to the finish line to ensure that we finished first then the trophy would mean nothing to us. It would be meaningless because we didn’t put our own effort into the process. That made so much sense to me. I had been working at this point for many years as a personality profiler and I had witnessed this dynamic so many times. To me, the people I had profiled that really took the time to understand themselves and use their authenticity to push through the human race one step at a time, patiently learning to love and support themselves, had reasonable amounts of self-love and self-esteem. Those who just wanted to be liked or admired right then and there, doing whatever they had to do to be accepted by others (outsourcing their acceptance) seemed to be plagued with self-doubt and loathing.

That is why at Human Art we have been focusing on authentic self vs manufactured self. We have talked about how each design works in this dynamic. Now I just wanted to punctuate how important it is to stay in your lane of life; run the race through your authentic personality and design, and let others run the race in theirs. Using your authenticity, you will find yourself ahead of others at one point and behind others at another. But you will also see that it doesn’t matter because running at your pace and in your way is the very process that is going to bring you optimal results. It is your time that you run it in, it is your story that makes the finish so wonderful, and it is what you see and discover along the way that will have meaning to you in a way that no one else will understand. It is literally between you and your maker. It is all about what you make of it.

I encourage you to jump in and find the authentic path for you. Some of the adventure in life is walking up to the starting line and pondering what lies ahead on your authentic road and then run! Keep running, sometimes fast sometimes slow, but just keep moving ahead. Take in the process and be curious. Love yourself along the way, and love others as well. Don’t judge your time and don’t judge others’ time. Just accept the journey and the distance of the race–the human race. And while you are running, remember, everyone is a masterpiece.



Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: What’s the Difference?  (includes a description of the Saturated design)
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Whitened Difference
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Grayed Connection
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Blackened Fix

Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Blackened Fix

We finish off this month’s discussion of the authentic vs. manufactured self by talking about how it might like for the Blackened design. If you haven’t read our previous posts, read an introduction and all about the Saturated design here, Whitened here, and Grayed here.


Photo: Copyright Human Art

The Blackened authenticity is direct and honest. Someone who is high in the Blackened personality has a need to fix things. They are honest and real. I often describe them as warm, and you feel as if they would give you the shirt off their own back if it would solve a problem for you. They interact with others in a real way and have an honesty that is as warm as a summer morning in the mountains. They love to take action and they do not like drama—just direct communication. They love to protect, and usually engage with others through tasks.

Let’s say that in interacting with others they get criticized for being too blunt. They might reject that wonderful organic honesty and replace it with a manufactured trait of holding everything in and being shy. They then might get more negative feedback for being too task-oriented and never taking a break. They then might throw that trait out and replace it with a projected trait of being overly silly and carefree. It can go on and on. They throw away their resourcefulness and try hard to come across as carefree; and they have also abandoned their beautiful casual nature to try to be more authoritative. They would do this for protection. They would then get the final blow of being criticized for not being real and knowing who they are. Now instead of that natural Blackened authenticity you are left to experience an unconvincingly shy, forcefully silly, unnaturally carefree, and overtly authoritative and stuffy authenticity that is confusing to those they interact with. It does not make sense to others. It does not in any way validate the Blackened individual.

Finding your authenticity, learning your equation, and experiencing life through it is the only way to find true joy and the peace we all seem to desire. We all have different amounts of all four designs in our personality so we all have an amount of Blackened in us. For some it is a lot, for others it might be a little. It might just be enough to be real or to get things done in just certain areas of our life rather than across the board. There is such a beauty to the rich authenticity of a person that is high in the Blackened design: they live life though adventure, they experience rich relationships, and they love by naturally nurturing and protecting others. They will always tell you how they feel.

Find they amount of Blackened you hold in your authenticity and use this week to expand its capabilities. Be honest with yourself and be real with others. Live in the moment and take life in. You deserve it, and those close to you deserve it. And remember, everyone is a masterpiece.




Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: What’s the Difference?  (includes a description of the Saturated design)
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Whitened Difference
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Grayed Connection
Authentic Road or Manufactured Road: The Human Race

Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Grayed Connection

Continuing our discussion of the manufactured vs. authentic self, this week we are talking about the Grayed design. If you missed the last two weeks, you can read about Saturated here, and Whitened here.

Photo: Copyright Human Art

The Grayed authenticity is refined and meticulous. Someone who is high in the Grayed design or personality has an elaborate need for details. They are sensitive and empathetic. I often describe them as calm, but a calm that is felt and doesn’t need words to feel the effects brush over you. They will interact with others in a conservative manner that has an inquisitive engagement. They are introverted and understated, but the refined way in which they enter any interaction allows them to connect with others with ease and is introspective.

Let’s say that in interacting with others they get criticized for taking too much time to think about something. They get labeled as “too slow.” They then might reject that wonderful trait of being meticulous and replace it with a manufactured trait of responding quickly and compulsively. They then get more negative feedback that they are too sensitive, so they reject that trait and replace it with stern. It can go on and on. Criticized for being to inquisitive, they now replace it with the trait of free and non-structured so they do what they want. And instead of seen for their calmness they are labeled as tuned out and not paying attention, so it is replaced with loud and intrusive. They would do this for protection. They then might get criticized for being a mess. Now, instead of a beautiful Grayed authenticity, you have an egoic self that is a compulsive, stern, non-structured, loud, intrusive mess of an egoic self. It doesn’t make sense to those interacting with the beautiful Grayed person. It does not in any way validate the Grayed individual.

Finding our authenticity and learning our equation and experiencing life through it is the only way to find true joy and the peace we desire. We all have amounts of all four designs in our personality so we all have an amount of Grayed in us. We might have a lot or a little, it might just be enough to process through things. There are hidden strengths and traits when we use our Grayed, we just have to consider that same question we have been asking for weeks: ARE WE FUNCTIONING IN OUR AUTHENTICITY OR IN A PROJECTED, EGOIC, MANUFACTURED SELF OR A LITTLE BIT OF BOTH?

Use this week to notice how much of the Grayed design or authenticity you have in your design. To the degree you have Grayed is the degree that you find the Grayed traits you relate to and use them. Grow from them and see through that lens what character traits you find showing up. Carefully incorporate them into challenges and barriers you face and you will find connections that you never considered before. Then find someone else and connect with them. You will find more empathy and understanding for yourself and also for others. You deserve it, and others around you deserve it, because everyone is a masterpiece.




Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: What’s the Difference?  (includes a description of the Saturated design)
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Whitened Difference
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Blackened Fix
Authentic Road or Manufactured Road: The Human Race

Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Whitened Difference

Last week we introduced the topic of the manufactured self vs. the authentic self, and how that manufactured self might be created. We also talked about what that difference might look like for a Saturated person. This week, we are going to talk about the way a Whitened person might create a manufactured self.

Photo: Copyright Human Art

The Whitened authenticity is youthful and spontaneous. Someone who is high in the Whitened design has a high need for social interactions and fun in their life. They are enrolling and I describe them often as someone with no guile. They will interact with others with no agenda. Just a pure innocence that is designed to make others happy and light-hearted. They are extroverted so most of their thought process is done on the outside. They are active but at the same time can absorb information at a high rate; they  can also remember it and recall it when needed. Those traits are all authentic and they all make sense when interacting with someone that is high in the Whitened design.

Let’s say that they get criticized for interacting with someone in such a non-structured way. They might get told that they need to take things more seriously. They then might reject that Whitened trait and take on a manufactured trait of disqualifying people and relationships quickly and not interacting with others as much. They would do this for protection. Then another person might come along and give them negative attention for being so active or enrolling. There again they reject that quality and maybe put in a controlling trait as part of their manufactured self to again protect them from getting more negative feedback. It keeps going. They reject their innocence and become overly direct. They trade their light-heartedness for quiet, still and isolated. Now, instead of that beautiful Whitened authenticity, you have an egoic self that is too quickly disqualifying, controlling, overly direct, still too quiet, and isolated. To top it off they then get more criticism that they are not fun anymore. It creates confusion when interacting with the beautiful Whitened person. It does not in any way validate the Whitened person.

Finding our true authentic equation and experiencing life through it is the only way to find true joy. As I have mentioned before, we have all four designs so we all have some Whitened in our authentic equations. As we keep moving through life we need to find how much. It is a great way to put us in a state of play and we all experience optimal learning when we are in a state of play. There is hidden strength and amounts of character that can be developed when we use our authentic lens to start that journey. We just have to ask that same question again: ARE WE FUNCTIONING IN OUR AUTHENTICITY OR IN A PROJECTED, EGOIC, MANUFACTURED SELF? OR A LITTLE BIT OF BOTH?

Use this week to notice how much of the Whitened authenticity you have in your design. Is it a little, medium amount, or a lot? To the degree you have it, find the Whitened traits that you relate to and use them. Use them to play, use them to learn, use them to celebrate and teach others. Jump into it this week, grab someone’s hand and bring them with you. You deserve it, they deserve it. and remember everyone is a masterpiece.




Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: What’s the Difference?  (includes a description of the Saturated design)
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Grayed Connection
Manufactured Self vs. Authentic Self: The Blackened Fix
Authentic Road or Manufactured Road: The Human Race