You can tell the Saturated design or personality within three seconds when they walk through the door.
“Hello.” They speak precisely.
Their movement is still.
They stand erect.
“I have an appointment….”

It is so beautiful; the room seems to settle into complete order and peacefulness. No chaos to be found. From that first “hello” (with their arms peacefully by their side or their hands simply clasped in front of them) you feel yourself stand a little straighter, and you are aware of your pronunciation and grammar. It feels like standing on the edge of a serene lake on a still, cool, crisp night; alone with the icy glow of the moon shining in all its majestic beauty and its shadow or silhouette of a dome somehow feels like silver in the winter. This is an example of what it feels like to get smoothly slid into a 3 second interaction with a human that has a lot of the Saturated personality in their design.
Some of us forget to notice this type of beauty and we miss the small yet profound beauty of this interaction. We excuse it away and file it in our brain as running into someone that did not talk and in our interpretation comes off a bit stuffy or aloof. What a miss.
Common questions they ask usually have something to do with clarifying or making something more clear.
“When you say that, do you mean this?”
“Explain how that is true.”
“What do you mean when you say ….”
We can engage them by getting to the clear objective first, or we can tell them how things ended and then go back and give details.
“I lost my directions while traveling but I DID GET THERE SAFELY. Let me tell you what happened…” It has the potential to frustrate them if you walk them through all the details without the outcome first.
The Saturated personality is sensitive but it is a private and appropriate type of sensitivity. They appreciate small groups and alone time to recharge.
This week make it a point to find as many people as you can that have a high amount of Saturation in them. Even though we all have amounts of all four personality types in us, it is pretty obvious when someone has high amounts of Saturation when we look for the traits we discussed. You will see it and, please, take the time to enjoy the beauty of it. Even if you don’t exactly get the amount of Saturation in the person you are paying attention to, that’s ok! At least you are giving them some of your time to see their beauty.
Remember everyone is a masterpiece.